Wednesday, July 7, 2010

#11 Tools Post

1. What are your favorite tools you now have in your personal technology toolbox? Briefly describe a particular activity that you will plan for your students using at least one of these new tools.
My favorite tools in my personal toolbox are creating a blog page and using skype. I believe these tools will aide in the hands on learning of many topics for the students and benifit their lifelong learning. It will also teach them the proper use of technology and added reponsibilities.

2. How have you transfomed your thinking about the learning that will take place in your classroom?
I feel my classroom has always been hands-on but now I can expand the curriculum and experiences of my students by making it technologically hands-on. They can explore new places and learn many new things outside the scope of the classroom.The can take pride in discovery.

3. Were there any unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
Yes, I was surprised that I could do some of the tasks I was asked to complete. I not only am excited that I could make a video or add pictures with captions but I am excited to take that knowledge and teach my students how to do that.

Tool #11

Digital Citizenship. I am very glad that there is a section about this in the training. I believe that yes it is important to be able let the kids access the resources but like everything else there needs to be policies and procedures, escpecially for kindergarteners, to follow for appropriate usage.

1. Digital Access: I would lead the discussion about access and the fun things they can do with the itouch computers. We would discuss the reasons that we can access the internet and use the knowledge for the classroom. We will discuss the differences in uses in the classroom and uses at home, how sometimes those things overlap at home but we do not access certain sites at school. Reasoning will be provided.
2. Digital Security and Safety: This is a high priority in my classroom, as the computers are small and while there will be constant monitoring, I cannot be everywhere at once. SO for the kids to understand the importance of safety and begin to apply it themselves.
3. Digital Etiquette or "netiquette": I would like to lnk this to being nice in the classroom and following the rules also extends to the technolgy in the room. Through the use of Jing and Skype the kids will learn that they are not just playing "games" on the computer they are interacting with people and it is with utmost importance that they are polite.


I enjoyed watching the videos of the kids using the itouch. It seemed to answer some questions I had about its possibilties, storage, and teaching the students responsibility using the machines.
I researched and played with ABA Flashcards. This app is specifically for Kindergarten students and will be very useful to them in the beginning of the year as we begin to learn letters and sounds. They can extend the knowledge they learned in the lesson to personal experience. A very important tool in making long term memory.
I also explored ABC Pocket Phonics Lite- letters and sounds and first words. Here the kids can experience with letters, sounds, and placing all of thsoe skills together to make words. In the beginning of Kindergarten this is a difficult task and I believe the itouch will make this transtion from letters to words more digestible.

Tool #9

Jing I believe would go hand in hand with the other applications we have used such as, imovie or pictures. It really puts a 3-D image to the kids learning.

Skype is something I have never used before but hae heard so much about. I am very interested and excited to bring this into my classroom. Since the population is so diverse in Spring Branch I believe it would be an awesome opportunity to coordinate with a school around the world and discuss a topic the kids have in common to show the differences and similarities. They can then build a relatinship which offers them the opportunity to ask more indepth questions.

Tool #8

I love using video with the kids. It takes words and puts them into action so they can visulaize what we are discussing. I have noticed that once they view a video they often hae more detailed questions about the topic and I can then link them to other sites on the web so they can learn more specific information. I have also taken the info and created a powerpoint about oceans that we share with another class. The kids love it and they are very knowledgable by the end of the lesson.

Tool #7

Tool #6

I really enjoyed looking through the wikis. It is a term I had heard used often but had never experienced for myself. The possibilities for the use of wikis is endless. One aspect that I have been very excited to use is during the learning of different cultures and letting the kids talk to someone from that part of the world. I have learned how to organize this experience for the kids and will mostly definitely be using this in the classroom.

A collaborative project with speakers of a foreign language and in another location: A day in the life of an American/Japanese/French/German/Mexican family. (This one would require finding contacts in other locations, of course).