Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tool #11

Digital Citizenship. I am very glad that there is a section about this in the training. I believe that yes it is important to be able let the kids access the resources but like everything else there needs to be policies and procedures, escpecially for kindergarteners, to follow for appropriate usage.

1. Digital Access: I would lead the discussion about access and the fun things they can do with the itouch computers. We would discuss the reasons that we can access the internet and use the knowledge for the classroom. We will discuss the differences in uses in the classroom and uses at home, how sometimes those things overlap at home but we do not access certain sites at school. Reasoning will be provided.
2. Digital Security and Safety: This is a high priority in my classroom, as the computers are small and while there will be constant monitoring, I cannot be everywhere at once. SO for the kids to understand the importance of safety and begin to apply it themselves.
3. Digital Etiquette or "netiquette": I would like to lnk this to being nice in the classroom and following the rules also extends to the technolgy in the room. Through the use of Jing and Skype the kids will learn that they are not just playing "games" on the computer they are interacting with people and it is with utmost importance that they are polite.

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